Getting a Bail Bond in Richmond VA

Getting a Bail Bond Richmond VA is very similar with other jail. When an arrest is followed by a charge of crime, the lag between the arrest and the case trial can be a long one, often extending into weeks and months. But it is not mandatory to serve jail until the time for trial is due. You can always check out bail options.

richmond City Jail

richmond City Jail

The Basics

On most instances, a process allows the accused release from jail after an exchange of money (bail), property pledge or a promise to head back to the court every time there is a hearing related to the case. When the accused successfully attends all hearings in the court, the bail is funded back to them after the trial proceedings are over. The refund is made irrespective of whether or not the accused is innocent.

When you check out bail options, you will come across the following point often. In case, the accused fails to appear before the court on any one or more hearing, the property or the bail can be forfeited. The court will keep it. On most such instances, an arrest warrant is issued.
What amount?

While there are different bail options set by different courts, the bail is generally set to the tune of an amount that is healthy enough to draw the accused back to the court. Depending upon the place of trial, the specific amount can vary greatly. The judges also play their part in determining the amount. Other influential factors include:

Nature of the crime (degree of seriousness)
Criminal record of the accused
Possibility of the accused fleeing area to avoid trial
Financial resources of the accused

These factors explain why two people that are charged with the same crime may have to pay different bail amounts.

However, by the ruling of the Eighth Amendment of the constitution, excessive bails and fines are not charged from the accused. Also, over years courts and lawyers have devised certain loosely defined rules for bail amount, who may be entitled to it and what can be the possible bail options for these people.

Generally, one can be retained in jail in absence of bail, if:

The judge believes the accused is dangerous for the community
There is chance the accused will try to escape trial
The accused is suspected to have committed a violent crime
If the charged crime is punishable by death or life imprisonment
If the charge is related to drug crimes

Cases have been observed where the judge sets an extraordinarily high amount for bail. This is to keep the accused confined in prison until it is time for the trial.

Bail Bonds Henrico VA Office

Free Bird Bail Bonds’ Hull street location services Richmond and Henrico VA.

Our Bail Bondsman offers good, honest service in a professional and timely manner. Call Harry at our Richmond/Henrico location at 804-894-7431. He can answer any questions or immediately help with a bail bond! #Henrico #BailBonds

Henrico Richmond Bail Bondsman

The Henrico Jail is located off of Paraham Road at 4301 E. Paraham Road, Henrico VA. Below is some helpful information for friends and family of those at the Jail.

About Henrico General District Court